The Straight & Level

An AA Pilots for ALPA podcast. We want the American Pilots to make an informed choice regarding ALPA representation.

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Wednesday Jan 03, 2024

We’re back with more Tales from the Terminal, with a junior American pilot collecting cards for the pilots’ choice. 
Today we’re in ORD with First Officer Jon Norman, who shares his take on what American pilots really want: a voice.
“I discovered that the pilot group is really engaged, want to understand the issues at hand here, and want to make sure they have a voice in who represents them. I’d say probably about 95 percent of the pilots I’ve approached have either already signed a card or are willing to sign a card right there on the spot, which was really surprising for me. Again, I thought there would be a little more apprehension from the pilot group, but everyone seems really excited about the choice that we have in front of us.” - First Officer Jon Norman, ORD 737
Jon’s excited to learn from his conversations with AA pilots. Listen to how he approaches AA pilots and what he’s gaining from volunteering his airport appreciation time. 
Follow and share our pilots’ experiences by spreading the word on social, listening to the podcast, and discovering just how easy it is to help out the cause.
Send us your card-collecting stories here.
Hot Topics
Want a Card? We Will Mail You One
Want Some SWAG? Tell Us When You Will Be in an Airport

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023

We’re back with more Tales from the Terminal, with an American pilot collecting cards for the future pilots of the airline. 
Today we’re in LAX with Captain Eric Edwards, who shares his “why” in becoming an AA for ALPA Pilots Advocate: for American pilots to be represented in the same manner as their peers.
“I find that a lot of the older pilots often tell me that they’re old, on their way out and don’t really get involved in ‘that stuff’ too much, to which I normally respond: look at me. I’m just like you. We still have some time left here and I know what ALPA can accomplish. I was part of a local council some years back and I would like to see all the younger set that are coming on to the airline here be represented in the same manner that their peers are over at the Deltas, Uniteds and Alaskas out there, doing the same thing we’re doing every day. I like to talk to the older guys and encourage them to sign the card too, which–for the most part–they always do.” - Captain Eric Edwards, LAX 737
Eric brings a relatable value to interactions with AA pilots. Listen to how he figures most AA pilots are real approachable and what he’s experienced in LAX and PHX terminals. 
Follow and share our pilots’ experiences by spreading the word on social, listening to the podcast, and discovering just how easy it is to help out the cause.
Send us your card-collecting stories here.
Hot Topics
Want a Card? We Will Mail You One
Want Some SWAG? Tell Us When You Will Be in an Airport

Monday Dec 11, 2023

Tune into our podcast to meet American pilots like you collecting cards in our latest series, called Tales from the Terminal. We’ll share their experiences, review lessons learned and discover just how easy it is to help out the cause.
We stay in Dallas with Captain Brad Donner, who shares his “why” for collecting cards: leveraging his experience to leave it better than how he found it. 
“We have pilots who are at the end of their career and they have spent, in many cases, three decades or more at American Airlines. Their experience means a lot to them, and they absolutely want to leave it better than how they found it. And particularly with the latest contract, that we just recently ratified, they look at how we’re doing in comparison with their peers and even the ones who supported APA now see that we’re simply coming up short. And that we need to change. We have young people who are arriving here - I just flew with one - she will have four decades at American Airlines. Her tenure at American Airlines will represent approximately 50% of her natural life. The union that represents her is a consequential thing.” - Captain Brad Donner, DFW 320
Listen to his experience and learn how to collect signatures when you find yourself in an airport.
What’s your why? Send us your stories here!
Hot Topics: 
Want a Card? We Will Mail You One: 
Want Some SWAG? Tell Us When You Will Be in an Airport: 

Thursday Dec 07, 2023

Tune into our podcast to meet American pilots like you collecting cards in our latest series, called Tales from the Terminal. We’ll share their experiences, review lessons learned and discover just how easy it is to help out the cause.
We kick off the series in Dallas with Captain Brian Smith, a long-time APA volunteer, who shares his “why” for collecting cards: ensuring AA pilots have an opportunity to vote. 
“I’ve got one contract left. I’ve been here for 23 years. I’ve never had an industry-leading contract and this one’s not either. At some point, I’d like to have the opportunity to have an industry-leading contract and I’d like an apples-to-apples comparison to decide who should be sitting at the table representing me in the last contract negotiations I’ll probably ever be a part of.”
- Captain Brian Smith, DFW 320
Listen to his experience and learn how to collect signatures when you find yourself in an airport.
What’s your why? Send us your stories at 
Want Some SWAG? Tell Us When You Will Be in an Airport:
Hot Topics:
Want a Card? We Will Mail You One:

Contract 2027

Monday Nov 27, 2023

Monday Nov 27, 2023

AA Pilots for ALPA has a Strategic Plan that prepares our pilot group for a better future. This Strategic Plan has three phases:
An AA Pilot-Led Transition to ALPA Representation
The Addition of the AA Pilots’ Voice to the World’s Largest Pilot Union
An AA Pilot-Driven and ALPA Staff-Supported Preparation for Bargaining
We are ready to move forward. We need your help. Treat every American Pilot you see as the “+1” required to have a representation vote. Ask them to sign a card. Signing a card simply initiates an election for our pilot group to make an informed choice about our future.
Alaska's Contract with Assistance of ALPA's Resources:
Alaska MEC's Strategic Planning Document Discussed:

One Month Update

Thursday Oct 12, 2023

Thursday Oct 12, 2023

After a month, AA Pilots for ALPA collected several thousand cards. Advocates continue collecting cards and show no sign of stopping. Listen to hear more!
Mail us your collected cards (FedEx/UPS friendly):
AA Pilots for ALPA
10926 Quality Drive
PO Box 38509
Charlotte, NC 28278
Print a card:
Have you signed a card? 

Accountability Matters

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

Our most recent podcast episode had a misspeak. This short podcast episode clarifies the facts. We will update last episode's content as our line-flying schedules permit.
Sign the Card:
Read about the committee’s investigation into Elected Leadership Training difference between APA and ALPA by reading pages 7-9 of the APA-ALPA Merger Exploratory Committee’s Report:

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023

In this episode, host Garrett Page again interviews APA-ALPA Merger Exploratory Committee member Robert Hamilton about more of the misinformation published by our in-house union following the June 1 presentation.
Sign the Card:
Be an Advocate:
Invest in Our Future:
Have you signed a card?
Flying the Line Podcast: 
Hot Topics:
Card Drive QRG:

A Great Start

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023

Host Garrett Page speaks with Lead Organizer Jeff Kerr and Pilot Engagement Coordinator Heather Boulanger for an update on the card drive after the first week and how the American Pilots can help trigger an informed choice for ALPA representation.
Hot Topics:
Card Drive Quick Reference Guide:
Sign the Card:
Invest in Our Future: 
Have You Signed a Card?
Be an Advocate:

Sign the Card!

Monday Aug 21, 2023

Monday Aug 21, 2023

Robert Hamilton interviews Jeff Kerr about a very exciting announcement: AA Pilots for ALPA is starting a card drive in order to provide the American Pilots with the opportunity to make an informed choice about ALPA representation. Listen to learn more. Click on the links below to sign a card, be an advocate, and invest in our future.
Print, Sign, and Mail Us a Card:
Be an Advocate:
Invest in Our Future: 


The Straight & Level

We are dedicated to presenting you with the truth, the facts, and the opinions that matter to you most as American Pilots. Whether you are senior, junior, or new hire, we thank you for tuning into our discussion. The fight for truth is officially weight off wheels.

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